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Jamie McLeod-Skinner (DEM)

The 2020 Primary has started. 




Jamie is a pro-democracy advocate who is running for Secretary of State to empower the voices of working families, strengthen our communities, and protect our environment.

When she was eight years old, her mom told her to always leave a place better than she found it. She role modeled hard work and community service, taking a teaching job in Tanzania when Jamie was young. Jamie’s childhood experiences in the Midwest, East Africa, and Southern Oregon shaped who she is today.


Jamie has lived by that philosophy and has spent her life in public service. She has a proven track record of serving vulnerable and marginalized people, including refugee, immigrant, LGBTQ, and Tribal communities. As someone who once belonged to a union, Jamie shows up and listens. Her success is based on her ability to bring people together–across political and cultural divides—to focus on addressing our shared challenges.


Jamie has tackled serious issues -- from managing the reconstruction of schools and water systems in war-torn Bosnia and Kosovo to resettling refugees and organizational development for immigrant community-based organizations to building organizational effectiveness for cities and planning for urban development and regional water projects.




A University of Oregon Law School graduate, Jamie is a natural resource attorney with degrees in engineering (RPI) and planning (Cornell). She served two terms as a Santa Clara City Council Member and served on the boards of numerous city and regional committees, including audit and ethics committees. Jamie currently serves as an elected Board Member of the Jefferson County Education Service District and was appointed by Governor Brown to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.


In addition to membership in the Oregon State Bar, Jamie is a certified planner with the American Institute of Planners, a trained mediator, and holds leadership certificates in Senior Executives in State and Local Government from Harvard, Government Ethics from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, and the Consortium for Human Rights from Oxford. 


In 2018, Jamie joined a courageous group of women running to flip the US House of Representatives and hold the President accountable. In her game-changing race for Oregon's 2nd Congressional District, she won two counties, earned the largest number of votes ever won by a Democrat (146,000), and established a political infrastructure east of the Cascades. 


Jamie is a graduate of Ashland High School, where her record in the 800 meters still stands. Jamie and her wife, Cass, live in Terrebonne. They have four kids and two dogs.


For more information, go to


I’m running for Secretary of State so our voices are heard, government is accountable, local economies are strengthened, and our state lands and waterways are protected.


To protect our elections, I will appoint an Election Security Officer to “think like a hacker” and fix system weaknesses, work with county clerks to ensure cybersecurity and the accuracy of voting machines, educate voters on disinformation campaigns, and conduct post-election audits.

To increase election integrity, I will engage in proactive outreach to voters from diverse, vulnerable, and remote communities. My team will work to eliminate language barriers through translation tools and multilingual staff, ensure voters with disabilities and housing insecurity have access to the ballot, and support county clerks in applying methods such as STAR voting.

I will advocate for legislation on same-day registration, counting ballots by postmark date, expanding registration to all state agencies, and allowing all voters to vote in primary elections.



Campaign finance reform is important to create a level playing field for all Oregonians. I support the ballot measure to modify Oregon’s Constitution to enable campaign finance laws, and I think we should also establish contribution limits. Campaign contribution limits are important for a fair process that does not drown out the voices of working families and disadvantaged communities.


I am the only candidate in this race not taking corporate money. I have a proven track record of commitment to campaign finance limits and transparency. In this election, I am continuing my long-standing policy of relying on individual donors and will not accept money from mega-corporate PACs, the fossil fuel industry, or pharmaceutical companies. My campaign is centered on people, and taking a stand is a matter of principle.


I will strictly enforce violations of election law, including anticipated campaign finance reform. I support campaign contribution limits. And I will improve ORESTAR so campaign contributions are more searchable and the influence on elected officials is more clearly seen.




I will use the audit process to hold government accountable, provide transparency, and daylight health and safety issues, especially for childern and workers. This includes financial audits to ensure we are tracking taxpayer dollars, performance audits to ensure public funds are being spent as intended, equity audit to ensure all Oregonians are served in a fair and equitable manner, sustainability audits to ensure our resources are being managed for long term success, and information audits to protect children and seniors.

Government agencies should contract with responsible bidders and audit their sub-contractors. This level of oversight will capture the full costs and decrease unnecessary outsourcing to enhance the value of our tax dollars.


The role out of audit results will include what’s working, what’s not working, and the plan to fix it.




The Secretary of State is one of three members of the State Lands Board, which oversees Oregon’s Common School Fund. I would be the only member with expertise in natural resource management.

I would develop forward-thinking policy to ensure sustainable, productive long-term use of our natural resources, and I would bring urban and rural Oregonians together to develop a sustainable vision and revive the Sustainability Board. Good stewardship means not damaging the longevity of our public resources for short-term gain. Sustainable management involves both the direct benefit from our state lands as well as secondary benefits to our educators, students, and communities through the local economic development that we see from this big-picture approach. 




We should support businesses who support our communities. I am an advocate of certified B-Corporations, who value their work based on a “triple bottom line.”


We need a Secretary of State who knows all of Oregon, has experience outside the Metro area as more than just a visitor, and can bridge the divide.


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